We started in 2002 when the Chicago based chocolate company we got our comfort food from (chocolate of course) went out of business. We knew people loved those chocolates so we set out to learn the processes needed to replicate and improve on those products and flavors. This is when the concept of CocoBon Chocolatier was born.
From months of research, study and trial and error that began as a hobby, we learned to produce handmade confections that rivaled those we knew growing up. After a move to South Carolina in 2004, we took some time to build local relationships and fine tune our processes. by 2006 our friends and family were saying “You have to do something more with this. It’s too good!” So with this validation, in 2007 we opened our doors creating a website to sell online.

Our vision grew as we were determined to share our creations with more people. We started working with local retailers, hotels and corporations to offer our products on a wholesale basis. In 2008 we worked with a local goat dairy to produce truffles that earned us a 1st place national award for one of our truffles. We joined the South Carolina Specialty Foods Association and also became “South Carolina Certified.”

Offering our products on a wider basis at Americas Mart in Atlanta, grew our distribution to 22 states and export to Canada. But during the recession of 2009 to 2013 we saw a significant decline in our customer base. By late 2014 we realized we would have to make some serious changes to move forward. At the same time, our community held a competition offering an incentive to open a new retail shop in the historic downtown area.
In early 2015 we entered the competition and in June, won the “Accelerate Anderson Downtown Challenge.” By December 2015 we opened our first vintage style shop. Located at 111 N. Main Street, Anderson SC, we’ve never looked back. We celebrate the history of our downtown and the specific history of the building we call home.

In our continuing effort to share our creations with more people, we have opened a second location. Our new store is located in the heart of Simpsonville, SC at 105 SE Main Street. The building we’re in is on the National Register of Historic Buildings. The building itself is called Burdette Central and still has family ties to the original owner. The building is over 100 years old.

We continue to offer our unique vintage style and all of the products we make in our Anderson location. Our staff will guide you through your chocolate selections and treat you to some of the local history associated with our location. For folks new to Simpsonville and our store, parking is conveniently located in the back and side lot of the building. We encourage you to try either location as we believe it will be worth your while.
We’ve consistently grown by developing and offering new products, new flavors and a unique visitor experience in our vintage style location. Our products are all handmade by us from our original recipes. We are as “All natural” as possible with our ingredients, using no preservatives or additives. We work with as many local providers as possible to offer “Farm to table” chocolate confections. Our dedication to freshness and quality can only come from the small batch, all natural product offerings we provide.
Taste the difference. Taste the quality that all natural, locally sourced ingredients make.